Decree 174/2019 regulating food crafts in Galicia has made it possible to identify agricultural and fishing products that are made in a traditional way, thus providing a guarantee to consumers, contributing to the recognition and protection of producers /as that follow the specific technical conditions established by the regulations, identifying their products as "Food Crafts from Galicia", thus allowing them to be differentiated from other products with ambiguous qualifications that sometimes confuse the consumer. A few months ago our Maruxas de Nata have been distinguished with this adjective, thereby recognizing our work in favor of artisan production and our effort to comply with the fundamental objectives that are set out in the regulations and that are basically translated into :
- Promote and protect small productions and traditional artisan preparations of high-quality food and, in this way, contribute to the conservation of local food culture and its dissemination.
- Promote the economic development of rural areas of Galicia that have farms and local productions, contributing to an increase in their population and thus preventing the abandonment that occurs, above all, in some mountain areas.
- Promote the work of artisans and traditional production methods by developing a range of quality products, differentiated and with added value.
- Promote short marketing circuits that allow direct contact between producers and consumers.
- Demonstrate the work of women in all dimensions of the artisanal food activity and promote their greater participation.